Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October in Retrograde

I get to tackle an avalanche of words on the daily.⠀

I dig through them like a tireless mineworker through the piles of rock. Sometimes these are brilliantly put words. Sometimes muddy and messy ones. They beg for proper refining and polishing to be able to shine again. ⠀

Every single day, the words come as a smashing, merciless tidal wave which you can neither fight nor prevent. I don’t resist it, though. I simply let them claim and take me into their whirl.⠀

But at the end of the day, when the wave rolls back, the daily rattle dies down, and the sky throws a dark blanket over this lonely, tired city, I retreat to my safe haven - Silence. ⠀

Where there is profound depth. Where there’s the pain you can’t run away from but face wide-eyed and dumbstruck as if encountering your childhood monsters that used to nestle in the wardrobe. ⠀

In that silence, there is growth and endurance you never knew you were capable of. ⠀

It rocks me in its soft embrace and I drift off. ⠀

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